I decided to make up a song, on how I feel about people in life, people I respect. I hope it makes sense.
When I woke up one morning, to a world of mystery, all I saw was bitterness and hatred, a terrible never ending story.
The day I thought the world would end, all of a sudden a ray of hope came from someone, that made the world seem less dim.
It was in your eyes that a wish came true, a wish for peace and happiness, that would never make others blue. It was the Spirit in your Eyes..
As I walk that narrow path alone, depression walked on in, and the only thing I saw around me was the darkness in my heart.
I didn't know where to turn, until I saw a light at the end. I knew that someone was watching over me, possibly my long lost friend.
It was in your eyes that symbolized love from above, a warm feeling that few could ever achieve. It was the Spirit in your Eyes..
We finally met eye to eye and talked about the one called God, the true meaning of what life is about, the one who knows all.
I truly turned my life around, I could see things so clear. When I'm in fear and doubt, I should fear no more, as I can pray, hope for the best and live another day.
It was in your eyes that I finally found a way to figure life out, a wise and virtuous friend that seems like God around and about. It was the Spirit in your Eyes..and that Spirit will never die.